Advice column and FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions)

Last Updated 08/25/96

This section is devoted to answer your personal and medical related questions. Also previous letters are posted so that information is passed on. Feel free to submit your own questions and comments to Lisa Yu, HCO Publicity. We will keep your identity confidential if you so desire. All letters will be edited before posting.

Letter Dated 07/29/96:
    Dear Lisa,

    I am new here to UCR. I feel very unfamiliar with this campus, the policies, and the various classes and activities available. I'm not even sure what the "right" major is for me, and what I will do in the future, and how to get there! Do you have any tips and suggestions as to making the most of my time here at UCR?

                -Iam A. Student

    Dear Iam,

    One of the most important things I can tell you is to get all of the information you can. Wander around the campus, talk to fellow students, talk to your advisor, go to meetings, and try different things to find what you like.

    When I first came into UCR, I was interested in a health profession, but I wasn't sure which one or whether I would enjoy it. Health Careers Organiztion helped me a lot. During their meetings, I was able to get information about numerous professions, and what it would take to get into them. They also had volunteer opportunities so I could actually participate or observe the health environment. Sometimes, they may have extra things about the health profession in general, like how it would look in the future, especially with the HMO's. And of course, they are concerned with the development of the person (rather than the profession), so they have socials to relieve the stress of college life and to encourage students to get to know each other.

    The more you know, I found out, the better the decision you can make. Good luck with your college career in UCR!

    P.S. Thanks for your interest in HCO!


E-mail your questions or comments to Lisa

Lisa Yu is an officer of Publicity for HCO. Her advice and opinions are not necessarily the views and opinions of HCO, UCR, ASUCR, or the Biomed Offices. Always remember you, as the reader, are responsible for your own actions. Lisa is only giving her heartfelt advice, the rest is up to you.