The History of HCO

-as reported by 1994-95 Newsletter Editor - Chi Tran

"In 1987, a group of Biomed students created an organization for students interested in pursuing health careers. Over several years, the Health Careers Organzation (HCO) has improved upon itself in serving members. At the start, UCR had nothing in the way for providing guidance to health majors. Steven Lin, president of HCO 1992-94, said that the club at first only provided information to members through speakers. Then, leadership consisted of co-chairs, not like the current heirarchy, nor were volunteer services offered. At the time, the club had only thirty members. As president Lin upgraded HCO, introducing the hierarchy system and offering volunteer work. The results, HCO has become the top health related organization on thr UCR campus. It is sponsored by the Division of Biomedical Sciences. Membership has increased to over 100 students annually. HCO is involved with Kaplan and the Salvation Army. It now works with local volunteer agencies, takes trips to instituitions such as Loma Linda Medical Center, and invites top-notch speakers to its meetings."
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What's in the future of HCO? HCO is always expanding, finding new ways to make is purpose more effective and reach more people. The success of this organization relies solely on the involvement of its members. The people of HCO determine what we can accomplish...